

@10-11:15 AM GMT (London time)

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The Toltec Mexihca Medicine Wheel & Sacred Circle

The Toltec Mexihca Medicine Wheel & Sacred Circle

The Toltec Medicine Wheel: The art of knowing how to live

The Toltec Medicine Wheel (4 cosmic consciousnesses) invites us to seek our balance and perception from our inner center, opening us to the four directions of the universe (South, North, West and East). In this way we discover the benefits for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Seeing life through this lens allows us to be in harmony with ourselves and with everything that surrounds us as we pass through our life on our venerable beloved Earth, known in this tradition as ´Tonanzin Tlalli´

How should I go?

Shall I leave nothing behind me on earth?

How should my heart act?

Do we come to live in vain?

“Let's at least leave flowers, let's at least leave songs”


Much has been written about the Toltecs and in truth little is known about them. They say that the Toltecs were “a people” or “a culture”, but the truth is that the Toltecs were a lineage of knowledge holders of the ancestral wisdom of the Cem Anahuac, the name given to the world of the Nahuas/Mexicas (the indigenous people of Mexico). Toltec was a degree of knowledge of the Toltecayotl. What was the Totecayotl? It was the art of living in balance, the philosophical thought that gave meaning to existence.

For the natives, Toltecayotl represented the pinnacle of their worldview. Symbolically, the Toltec is the artist among artists, the one who makes one's own faces and true heart emerge, the one who illuminates like a smoking torch - the teacher among teachers.

There existed in the Cem Anahuac a group of Toltecs from all towns and cultures. These men and women of knowledge studied and practiced the knowledge of the Toltecayotl. The irradiation center of Toltecayotl was Tenotihuacan, the place where human beings achieved divinity. 

For the Toltecayotl, the human being is metaphorically divided into four parts starting from its center. From the navel to the head it symbolizes heaven and the spirit; it is represented with the quetzal, the most beautiful bird that flies in the heights desired by human beings.

Join us in person for a VERY special event in Manchester with Tata Miguel Teopixque Ehekamitl, Grandfather of the Mexica–Toltec Tradition.

- Opening with harmonizations with copal incense

- Presentation of the Medicine Wheel

- Teachings on Toltec philosophy and worldview

- Sharing the medicine of cacao (heart medicine)

- Creation of a Tlalmanalli (altar)

- Sacred songs workshop: Flower and Song “In Xochitl in Cuicatl”

- Cosmic Dance (moving the energy of the 4 elements)

- Closing with the Teopathli Akayec Medicine ´Rape´ (tabacco medicine - optional) and meditation. 


£40 full price, £30 concessions. If this is financially unavailable to you, please email the Monastery to ask about special rates.

Please bring: flowers, seeds and/or fruit for the altar, and wear white or light colored clothes if possible

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Ceremonial Breathwork & Soundscape Mexico City

Ceremonial Breathwork & Soundscape Mexico City

Join Steph Magenta, founder of Seven Directions® Breathwork and Michelle Tecuixpo Tukiama from Xicome, Music For Peace in Palanco, Mexico City, working together for the first time.

In this three hour Shamanic Ceremonial Breathwork and Soundscape journey, we will create a strong intentional space, using Breathwork, shamanic practice, and sound for transformational healing. $1100 pesos if booked before Jan 15th, $1500 after 15th.

To inquire or book, contact:

Instagram @michellebuttonexperiences and @sevendirectionsbreathwork

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Shift Network Free Intro Event

Shift Network Free Intro Event

Find out how combining Conscious Connected Breathwork with mystical shamanic practices can help you release trauma, reclaim self-worth, expand your consciousness, and cultivate inner peace so you can lead a more actualized, balanced, and fulfilling life

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