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Integration: An Open Conversation

Integration; the all too often forgotten aspect of workshops, ceremonies, events and trainings.

Do you recognise the importance of integration and make time for it?

Do you accept the need to slow down and really feel into the shifts that can come with any depth work?

Having recently returned from an extremely potent ceremony in Mexico, I (Steph) became aware of the absolutely essential requirement for integration time. My awareness was mitigated by extreme fatigue and some strong jet lag, relocation on arrival home, and the fact that the process continued to permeate my waking and sleeping dreams. I knew I needed a *LOT* of time, rest, and support to even begin to make order and sense of my experience and I’m still with all of that!

Whilst staying with my friends Graeme and Sarah after my recent trip, some interesting conversations began to arise. As a seasoned meditator and long-term practitioner of a multitude of somatic and coaching practices, Graeme began to share stories with me about how some of his learnings came through very challenging circumstances, just like mine. It seems this is far more common than we realise.

It's not as if new to the concept of ceremonial process or integration requirements, but somehow the Sun Moon Dance took me one step further into the clear need for integration than usual. There were cultural, language, personal and group dynamic pieces to integrate, all running alongside the awareness of what came up for me in the ceremony itself. Any ceremony or training can raise these things, regardless of circumstance or aftercare, but how do we come into relationship with our own internal and external support systems to become our own guides?

What tools do you use for your own integration? Journalling, talk therapy, somatic therapy or other?

Listening to Graeme was reassuring! Sometimes our experiences are incredibly difficult to assimilate and can come with all manner of uncomfortable residual feelings to process, so why is it that we all too often leap back into our ‘day to day’ lives the day after a strong intentional experience like this?

Perhaps because integration is the forgotten fairy of the magical world of the exploration of the psyche?

Perhaps because we simply don’t revere the power of this kind of work and therefore assume all will work itself out eventually without our input or attention? As a result, more often than not we end up taking years to process an experience, rather than perhaps needing only weeks or months yet we don’t even know that this is what’s going on. Why? Because we haven’t given ourselves conscious intentional integration time.

Join Steph Magenta (Seven Directions® Breathwork Training) & Graeme Waterfield (Intimacy & Energy Mastery Coaching) for a free online discussion about process and integration, and why we so badly need to make sure we have space for it in our lives.

Register free here:

Monday 19th Feb, 7:00-8:30pm UK time, 2:00-3:30pm EST, 12:00-1:30pm MST.

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