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Shift Network 7 Week Course (on demand)

Experience Conscious Connected Breathwork in combination with mystical shamanic practices to release trauma, clear negative patterns, and reclaim your self-worth. Learn how to free yourself from comparison and feelings of unworthiness, while uncovering your unique gifts — meeting parts of yourself that usually remain in the shadows — so you can lead an actualized and fulfilling life.

Every experience we’ve ever lived is carried with us in our breath. When an experience is particularly activating or traumatizing, it becomes lodged in our nervous system, driving habitual responses that often lessen our sense of wellbeing. Your breath is a key indicator of what’s going on in your body, mind, and spirit. 

If you experience anxiety, for example, you are likely have a tendency to grasp for more air when you’re under stress. If you suffer from depression, you may notice that your breath is shallow, reflecting a diminished life force that can leave you feeling lethargic and uninspired. 

Breathwork can be seen as a form of “soul retrieval” — creating a bridge to self-discovery — supporting us in reclaiming the lost or wounded parts of ourselves so we can return to and sustain high-level physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. 

My approach — rooted in over three decades of work with detox and healing — seamlessly integrates Conscious Connected Breathwork, mysticism, scientific research, and shamanic practices.

If you’re longing to create a balanced nervous system, optimize your health, heal and liberate yourself from the burdens of trauma, and release the accompanying stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, addiction, or other patterns of self-sabotage…

You can now access my 7-module video course for the Shift Network, in which I lead you through potent breath techniques and consciousness-expanding shamanic experiences to help you discover what has made you who you are.

For more information, please see below. This this event was live in August 2023 and is now available to you indefinitely via recording

1 September

Fire & Ice Retreat

28 October

Shamanic Ancestral Healing & Connected Breathwork